2: Analysis of Existing Deodorant Adverts - Dove

Unlike the Lynx deodorant advert I analysed in my last post, which strongly objectifies women, this advertisement for Dove Antiperspirant promotes the idea that women are 'confident', 'independent' and 'successful'. This opposing ideology suggests that deodorant brands such as Dove that are aimed at young women market their product by empowering women.

The striking anchorage text at the top of the advertisement which reads "Dove Deodorant is Here for You" draws the reader's attention by using the technique of direct address. This technique directly targets the audience and makes them feel as though the advertisement is communicating a message specifically to them, therefore promoting the idea that Dove deodorant is the most relevant and adequate product for them. This idea is emphasised by the phrase "here for you", which connotes support, uniqueness and specialness, as it suggests that Dove deodorant provides support to women who use it and that the product is unique and special.

The main image in this advertisement is of a caucasian woman holding her arms up. The position of this woman's body suggests that she is confident in holding her arms up as they smell fresh, promoting the idea that Dove deodorant fights odour and makes women feel confident.

Finally, an image of the product is featured in the bottom right-hand corner. This is crucial in the advertisement as it shows the audience the product they are being persuaded to buy, and therefore ensures that they are familiar with the look of the product so they know what they are looking for when they go to buy it.


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