4. Drafts and Statement of Intent

Hand-drawn draft

After analysing the conventions of deodorant adverts, I have made some decisions on how I will create the advertisement for Wave to be featured in Total Film magazine. Out of the three advertisements I analysed, I felt that the advert for Calvin Klein's 'CK2' was the most successful in connecting with a young audience as it conveyed the most relevant messages, therefore I have mainly used techniques similar to those used in the Calvin Klein ad.

The film poster that my advert will recreate is the poster for 'Baywatch'. I chose this film as, according to the brief for this assignment, the brand should be defined by its 'active, youthful, unisex brand identity' and I believe that the poster for 'Baywatch' shows youthful men and women being active, therefore reflecting Wave's brand identity.

In order to connect my advert with the 'Baywatch' movie poster, the images used will be shot at the beach.

My costumes will fit the beach theme of 'Baywatch' as the males featured in the advert will be topless and the females will be wearing bikini tops. As well as reflecting the theme of 'Baywatch', these costumes will also present the 'active, youthful' brand identity in the sense that young people conventionally enjoy spending their time at the beach, which involves getting physically active.

The colours used in my advertisement for Wave will mainly be blues and greys as these colours are conventionally used in deodorant adverts. The colour blue connotes freshness which is something all customers expect from their deodorant. It also strongly connotes water, which is relevant to the 'Baywatch' beach theme. The colour grey connotes the sophistication which a lot of young people aspire to obtain, but including this colour too much can make an image very dull, so I intend to use it less frequently than I will use blue.

Intertextual references
I will ensure that Wave's brand consistency is maintained in both mine and my partner's product advertisements as we will both be using the same slogans, colours and theme.

The phrase "for him, for her, for us' will be separated across the three images in my advertisement. I have chosen to include this as it strongly portrays Wave's unisex brand image and is also successful in conveying the message that Wave is a youthful, modern product as it embraces the non-gender-specific and non-sexuality-specific activity that young people face every day. The brand's slogan, 'fresh knows #NoBoundaries', will be featured under an image of the product. I have decided to use this slogan as it portrays the idea that Wave provides freshness to all - regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexuality or any other personal aspect. The use of a hashtag in the slogan appeals to the product's young target audience as it gives them the opportunity to join conversation about the product on social media, which is predominantly used by 16-25 year-olds (the target audience of the product).

My advert will include three main images - one of a gay couple, one of a lesbian couple and one of a straight couple. I have chosen to include people of varied sexuality as this promotes the diversity of Wave as a product. The majority of young people in modern society are in support of equality, and as the assignment brief states that the product should be defined by its 'youthful' brand identity, I feel that including people of different sexual orientations will reflect this. In addition, I would like to use models of different ethnicities to further emphasise Wave's youthful brand identity.

Digital draft


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